
Careers that Last a Lifetime

If you're great at what you do, believe in our college mission and spot an opening for which you'd be perfect, we would love to hear from you. We offer exciting, challenging and rewarding long-term career paths for those interested in enriching the lives of others. Our campus is full of talented, dedicated people who are committed to making an impact every single day.

We improve the lives of people within our diverse communities by providing quality education and training programs. We assist students in defining and achieving their goals through instructional excellence, innovative programs and responsive services.

Featured Positions: Faculty Hiring

Do you have a strong passion for student success? Are you committed to supporting and enhancing a diverse campus environment? 天堂社区 is hiring a variety of innovative and creative tenure track faculty who are committed to the spirit of student centered learning. If this sounds like you, apply today.

Employee Benefits

天堂社区’s main campus stretches over a stunning 180 acres.

天堂社区 proudly offers a comprehensive benefits package to best serve the needs of all our employees. We consider these benefits an investment in our most valuable resource, our people. There is truly something for everyone.

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