Personal Interest

Continuing Education at 天堂社区

Try something new!

Explore new ways to interact with the world around you, express yourself, improve your health, and enjoy life.

Art supplies organized in canisters on a shelf.

Creative Arts & Crafts

Learn new ways to express your ideas and creativity or increase your skills to improve the quality and content of your art.

Photo of a person walking down the aisle of a library.

GRC Resource Access

Gain access and check-out privileges to the Holman Library's Information Commons for one quarter.

A group of women smiling at the camera as they stretch during a fitness class.

Health, Dance and Fitness

Learn about different avenues to a healthier lifestyle from the classroom to the mat!

A fly fisherman casing a fishing line while standing in a river.

Home, Garden and Outdoors

Cooking is just the beginning; many adventures await!

Photo of a world map.

Language and Culture

Gain a deeper understanding of different cultures. Learn a new language or attend a speaker experience.

A financial adviser speaking to an elderly couple. They are looking at a document and smiling.

Money Matters

Plan for your financial future and learn how to navigate the ins and outs of retirement, legal documents, and so much more.

Photo of a man holding and playing a guitar.

Music & Voice

Increase your brain health and learn something new through the exploration of music.

A person writing in a notebook. The notebook has the words


From personal essays to children's tales, learn how to put your ideas into words.