Associated Students of ÌìÌÃÉçÇø Constitution 

Updated May 2024 


This constitution of the Associated Students of ÌìÌÃÉçÇø has been adopted for the purpose of fostering and developing student responsibility, interest, and participation in the activities and programs of the Associated Students of Green River College and is dedicated to the furtherance of general student welfare.  


The name of this organization shall be the Associated Students of ÌìÌÃÉçÇø and the organization hereafter may be designated as ASGRC. 


The objectives of this organization shall be to provide the opportunity for student organization, for the growth of the academic and social life of the students, and to further student relations with faculty and community. 


All students currently enrolled at ÌìÌÃÉçÇø shall be members of this ASGRC with the privilege of holding office and voting in any special election process. All GRC students shall be allowed to vote in all ASGRC elections. Students registered for six or more units of college class work at GRC shall be eligible to hold Executive officer positions. 

ARTICLE IV: Authority and Powers 

Section 1 – Power 

ASGRC is the sole representative governing body for the students of ÌìÌÃÉçÇø. Operating under the authority of the Board of Trustees, Community College District 10. 

Section 2 – Authority 

The ASGRC Student Government has the sole authority to administer and enforce the ASGRC Constitution and Bylaws.  

Section 3 - Responsibility 

ASGRC will adhere to the ÌìÌÃÉçÇø Policies and Procedures manual, and laws and regulations of the State of Washington, including, but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct. 


Section 1 - Membership 

The ASGRC Executive Board shall consist of the ASGRC President as well as other ASGRC Coordinator positions as spelled out in Article III, Clause 1, Section 1 of the ASGRC Bylaws. 

Section 2 – Officer Selection 

The ASGRC executive positions shall be selected by the ad hoc Selection Committee, which consists of the current ASGRC Executive Board, at least 3 at large students, and the Director of Student Life or designee. 

 Section 3 - Term of Office 

The terms of office for an ASGRC executive position shall be for one academic year (Fall Term to Spring Term). 

 Section 4 - Vacancy in Office 

The ASGRC Finance Coordinator shall become President in case the Office of President is vacated.  In the case of a vacancy in any of the other executive positions, the President shall appoint a new executive subject to the approval of the executive board, within two weeks after the vacancy occurs.  In the event of all offices being vacated the ASGRC advisors will start the selection process within two weeks of vacancies. 


All ASGRC Executive Board meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. 


Section 1 - Jurisdiction 

Bylaws of the ASGRC shall be made and amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the ASGRC Executive Board. 

 Section 2 - Notification of Intent 

Any proposed Bylaws or amendments to Bylaws must be presented in writing to each member of the ASGRC Executive Board and read to the ASGRC Executive Board seven (7) calendar days before it can be voted upon. Proposed Bylaws and/or amendments shall be advertised around campus and on Canvas seven (7) calendar days prior to the Bylaw or amendment being voted upon. Bylaws require approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the ASGRC Executive Board. 


Constitutional amendments may be initiated by a petition from the student body or by action of two-thirds (2/3) of the ASGRC Executive Board.  In the case of legislative action, the suggested amendment must be presented in writing to each member of the ASGRC Executive Board and read to the ASGRC Executive Board seven (7) calendar days before it can be voted upon.  The Constitution shall be amended by approval of the Student Body by a simple majority (50% plus 1) vote of the ballots cast at a special election in which 5% of the student body cast ballots.  In addition to this, the ASGRC Executive Board will be required to provide information sessions at a set time where members of the Executive Board will be present to explain the changes to the constitution. No voting will take place at such meetings.  


Section 1 – Initiative and Referendum 

A constitutional amendment, legislative action, or referendum action of any legislative action may be demanded by a petition signed by 5% of the Student Body. 

Section 2 - Recall 

Any Initiative or Referendum may be subject to recall upon petition signed by 5% of the Student Body. 

Section 3 - Adoption 

Upon receiving a petition for an initiative, referendum, or recall measure, the ASGRC Executive Board must call a special election in not more than 15 academic days.  Initiative, referendum, or recall measures require a simple majority (50% plus 1) vote to pass in a special election.  


Section 1 - Student Interpretation 

The interpretation of this Constitution and Bylaws shall be the responsibility of the ASGRC President, with advice from the ASGRC Executive Board and ASGRC Advisors, subject ultimately to approval by the Board of Trustees of ÌìÌÃÉçÇø. 

Section 2 - Guidelines for Interpretation 

Any interpretation of this Constitution shall be made with the view of its basic principles which are to increase and foster student responsibility, interest, and participation in the activities and programs of the Associated Students of ÌìÌÃÉçÇø.  



This constitution shall become effective upon approval of the Student Body by a simple majority (50% plus 1) vote of the ballots cast at a special election in which 5% of the student body cast ballots.  After the Student Body vote, the constitution will be presented to the President of the college for final approval and presented to the Board of Trustees as an information item in the monthly ASGRC report. This constitution shall become effective immediately upon final approval by the college president, unless otherwise stated in the legislation document, and shall supersede all preceding GRC Constitutions.