Waitlist Process

How to get into a class that is full

Students attempting to enroll for a class that is full have the option to place themselves on a waitlist.

Students attempting to enroll for a class that is full have the option to place themselves on a waitlist.

How do they get into a class that is full?

Permission codes will not allow them to by-pass the waitlist option and enroll into a full class. The waitlist process works as follows:

  • Web or in-person enrollment will provide the option to waitlist into a full class. All pre-requisites must be met to be added to a waitlist. 
  • Students can add their name to three separate waitlists - an example would be math, English, and chemistry.
  • Students should review their schedule every few days via the web to see if they have been added to the class they were waitlisted for. 
  • The Office of the Registrar will notify students by ctcLink Message Center when they have been moved off the waitlist and into the class. 
  • Students are responsible for making sure their schedule is accurate by dropping any unwanted classes. Failure to do so will result in a 0.0 grade being posted to their transcript and possible additional tuition and fees.
  • Students can remove their name from a waitlist through ctcLink in the Manage Classes tile, or by contacting the Office of the Registrar to request that they be removed from a class waitlist.
  • Waitlists are deactivated two (2) days prior to the start of the quarter to allow schedules and class rosters to be printed the day before the quarter starts.

  • If any students have not received notification by the first day of the quarter that their waitlist status has changed, they need to attend the first class session and/or send an email for online classes to identify themselves to the instructor.
  • Attending the first class session will not guarantee admittance into the class.  

If a student is enrolled into a class they no longer plan to attend, see the Office of the Registrar for procedures to withdraw from the class. Students are responsible for the accuracy of their class schedule, all tuition and fees.

Students that default on any financial obligations to 天堂社区 are responsible for collection fees, attorney fees, court fees, and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the collection of any debt, in accordance with RCW 28B.10.293 and RCW 19.16.500.