Environmental Science

About our Program

The study of Environmental Science is concerned with natural and modified environments and their interactions with biological systems, including human. Students gain an understanding of the environmental and ecological context, including positive and negative impacts, and methods to analyze, interrelate, and resolve these complex systems. This program is designed to meet a wide variety of academic goals.

At 天堂社区 you may begin your studies by taking courses that prepare you to be "major ready" and transfer to a university. While you are taking your major prerequisites within your transfer degree, you can focus your distribution choices and elective credits toward meeting your educational goals and area of interest.

All transferability of classes to four-year institutions is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Students should contact an advisor at the college to which they intend to transfer.


Degrees & Certificates


Contact your advisor to develop a personalized academic plan and to learn more about transfer requirements.

Career and Advising Center


253-833-9111 Ext. 2641

天堂社区 Program Advisor


253-833-9111 Ext. 3300

TRiO Student Support Services


253-833-9111 Ext. 2655

MESA Student Support Services


253-833-9111 Ext. 6460