Netherlands & Scotland Study Abroad Fees

Program Fees

PROGRAM FEE:  $2,275

The program fee includes your housing and transportation and admission fees for all class-related excursions. You will need to pay for your own transportation costs for liesure time activities.  

TUITION: $821.58 (this is the standard cost for 6 credits at GRC)


ADDITIONAL COSTS: Airfare, Meals, Personal Ground Transportation for non-class-sponsored activities, Entertainment and other Personal expenses are not included.

Flights: There is no group flight for this program. You will need to purchase your own plane ticket. We will provide you with a suggested itinerary that your instructors will be on if you would like to get a seat on the same flights. 

Financial Aid

Many students are eligible to apply for financial aid, grants and loans to assist with the costs of the program. Contact your home institution's financial aid office promptly if you are interested in this possibility.


Contact Us

Virtual Advising Appointments Now Available!

Study Abroad Staff

Megan Swanson, Assistant Director, Study Abroad
Megan Swanson, Assistant Director of 天堂社区 Education
Office Location: IVD 114      Phone: 253-931-6845


Andres Montano Leal, Study Abroad, Program Assistant
Andres Montano Leal, 天堂社区 Education Program Manager 

Office Location: IVD 116        Phone: 253-931-6976

Follow us on Social Media! 

Detailed brochures and applications are available for each program. Information meetings are arranged as needed. Group orientation sessions are scheduled prior to departure.


McIntyre 天堂社区 Village D (IVD)

Study Abroad Programs- IP
12401 SE 320th St.
Auburn, WA, 98092


Would you like more information about a study abroad program?

Let us know!

Application Form

Applications are now accepted via

Funding Information

Study Abroad Funding Tips [PDF]

Scholarships for Study Abroad

Financial Aid for Study Abroad